How To Hygge: Danish Secrets For Happiness
Have you read any good books recently?
This book, "The Little Book of Hygge" by Meik Weiking was a PURE delight and joy to read.
I highly recommend it!
It is written by the CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Meik Wiking walks us through the philosophy of Hygge, the Danish secrets to happy living.
Denmark is repeatedly at the top of the list for the world's happiest countries, so I was curious, what's the secret?!
What makes the Danes so happy?
Did you know that Social Support is the #1 factor that determines if people are happy?
Having someone you can turn to in a time of need is critically important for maintaining happiness.
Who is that one person in your life?
Perhaps send them some love today, just a quick note to say you care?
It was so good, I wanted to share some of the key take aways with you.

I took some notes while reading because I wanted to practice the Hygge Manifesto. So I figured I'd share with you too!
***Hygge Manifesto***
(Pronounced HOO-GA)
Here's what you need to get your Hygge on:
PRESENCE. Be here now.
PLEASURE. Coffee. Cacao. Cozy treats.
EQUALITY. "We over me." Share tasks with others.
GRATITUDE. "Take it in, this might be as good as it gets."
HARMONY. "It’s not a competition. We already like you. No need to brag."
COMFORT. Get comfy take a break. All about relaxation.
TRUCE. No drama. Discuss controversial topics another day.
TOGETHERNESS. Build relationships and narratives. “Do you remember the time we...”
SHELTER. This is your tribe. This is a place of peace and security.
In essence, hygge is all about being loved, warm, and safe.
When you think of comfort, food, security, and blankets...the feeling that arises is hygge.
We feel happiness in simple pleasures. Everything is going to be ok. We can relax.
Fun Fact: The best number for hygge is a group of 3-4 people.

To make your home more hygge this winter season, try this:
Nook. "Cozy. Snuggle up. Comfy space. (ex. bay window) Cushions. Blanket. Warm drink.
Things made out of wood
Nature. "Sheepskin. Plants. Etc."
Books. "Read Anything."
Ceramics. "Cozy mug etc."
Tactile. "It is about how things look and FEEL. natural things. Wood hair ceramic etc. Variety."
Vintage. "Old lamp table or chair. History. Narratives and nostalgia. Emotion and story."
Blankets and pillows/cushions. "Wool fleece or cotton."

High quality chocolate "Have a daily ritual"
Favorite tea
Favorite book "Weiking's favorite is Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway."
Favorite film or box set of favorite series.
Jam. Treats.
Good pair of woolen socks.
Selection of favorite letters/cards. "Reconnect and remember."
A warm jumper.
Journal." Remember most hygge moments. And make a bucket hygge list."
Paper and pen. "Write a letter/ card."
Music. Make a Spotify playlist. "Weiking recommends Gregory Alan Isakov or Charles Bradley."
A album of printed photos.

Board games
Bulk food prep. Pantry party. Everyone bring enough to make 10 servings. Then swap and everyone leaves with a variety.
Watch tv shoes together with a friend.
Build a small library. Share and have a principal = leave a book when you take one
Play Pétanque informal and slow game. Like bocci ball.
Make a fire
Outdoor film screenings
Swap party. Share all together. Bring something that you don’t use, but that could be nice for someone else.
Sledding. Spend a day in nature.
Play. Do something just bc it is fun. Top activities: sports, hiking, partying and playing with children.

Go picking fruit outside. Like at an apple tree then making cider or jam. Can then make a “pantry party”
Through a bbq for family and friends. Eat outside. Have a game or cup or crocket
Join or build a community garden.
Picnic by the beach. Visit a farmers market and get fresh goods and treats. Conversation, reading, don’t need to do anything
Go for a bike ride. Use a cargo bike, and put 1-2 ppl in the cargo bike. Put pillows, music, treats, blanket, and picnic basket in the cargo cart.

TASTES: sugar, honey, wine etc
SOUNDS: open fire, if inside (rain drops and thunder) silence to hear nature
SMELLS: aromas that express security and comfort - this differs from person to person—-they remind us of safety and being cared for. Put your guard down completely.
FEELS: homemade stuff that took time to make (over store bought), smaller = more quality. Real craftsmanship: wood, fur, ceramic, etc. (Not shiny plastic or new glass / metal)
SEEING: light- just right, candles. Gently falling snow. Slow organic movements and dark natural colors. (Not bright hospital or fast cars) fire flames in fireplace.
6th Sense: go with gut feeling. Be completely yourself. Winnie the Pooh “you don’t spell love, you feel it”

Pyramid of human needs according to Maslow’s hierarchy:
First we need food water sleep security
Need for love and belonging
Then self esteem and self actualization
In other words, having a Hygge lifestyle helps us to reach our soul's mission in life. How cool is that?
Enjoy the moment and make the best of it. Savor and indulge. Gratitude. Indulgence. Appreciate the life you led. Focus on all you do have and not what you don’t. Practice gratitude.
One way to start today is by keeping a gratitude journal.
BENEFITS OF A GRATITUDE JOURNAL: Mental social and physical benefits = better sleep, less disease, quicker recovery from trauma, less likely to get stressed from situations, and it is proven to decrease systemic inflammation in the body.
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This will give you access to this Little Book of Hyyge and thousands more books and audiobooks for FREE by connecting with your local library!
Enjoy and happy reading!!
PS: What's your favorite book? Do you have a recommendation to share? COMMENT below to let me know your fave book (I'm always looking for good ones to read). Or click here to share a SOUL CHAT together💙