Make This Holiday Season The Healthiest Yet! 🎁
Are you ready for the holidays?
If you are curious about how to enjoy all the joy and activity of the season...but still want to keep your health strong- you're in the right place. We hosted a live workshop on this very topic and you can watch the replay video below. Here we have shared some of our favorite tips.
The first tool that helps is to envision what a happy and healthy holiday season looks like for you. Try this activity:
Envision Your Ideal Holiday Season:
Spend some time in your thoughts and begin to see yourself living out the absolutely ideal holiday season. Close your eyes….breathe….think about (or journal about) the following: Who would you spend time with?
What foods would you eat?
What presents would you purchase?
What gifts would you receive?
Where would you be located?
How would you define this holiday season as successful?
Key Question To Ask Yourself This Season:
“How does this decision serve me? Will it get me closer to my ideal holiday season? Is there a better choice I can make that will help me achieve my goal?”

Have fun and get creative with movement:
-Have a dance competition with your family
-Cut down your own holiday tree
-Get a partner and schedule your workouts into your calendar in permanent marker
-Park as far as possible from the mall so you have to walk
-Perform 5 minute interval exercises (push ups, jumping jacks, running place, crunches, etc.)
-Walk at a steady pace whenever shopping
-Play games with the kids in your family because they are usually filled with energy
-Wear a pedometer (or download a smartphone app) and try to walk 10,000 steps each day
-Sign up for a holiday race

Try these Healthy Holiday Recipes:
10 Paleo Recipes: 10 Plant Based Recipes: Healthy Holidays: Healthy Christmas: Paleo Holiday Desserts:

Gifts For You:
Free Gift #1:
Free Gift #2:
Free Gift #3:
Want to learn more about How To Make This Holiday Season The Healthiest Yet? Click below to watch the replay of our live workshop! Over ten tools and ideas that you can implement today, to guide you every step of the way. ♥️